Sheer Ecstasy…Stirred Slowly like an argiouous lover…Slithers…Melting…Slathered
and Dipped…Succulent…Blissfully Cascades over a promiscuous mix of sweet
succulent, heavenly cream…a sweet seduction that won’t take no for an answer!
These words as mentioned in the above visual presentation
highlight the fantasies created and facilitated by food. The familiar sight of
chocolate in visual art is an indication of its position as one of the most
recognizable food items in food porn.
Does chocolate create sexual desire just like looking at
Chocolate represents love and happiness. It never
disappoints! Chocolate is portrayed as having the power to reward, supplement
and satisfy, especially female desires. Visually, chocolate creates an
anticipation of pleasure.
Studies of chocolate have found it to contain
phenylethylamine and serotonin, which are both “feel good” chemicals. These
chemicals are released by our brains when we are happy or feeling amorous. So
the suggestion is that because you have eaten chocolate previously, when you
see it in these visual images, similar feelings occur…the same pleasurable
heightened buzz.
In the marketing and advertising world, chocolate is quite
often linked to sexual pleasure and presented as an alternative to love and sex,
again especially to females. Chocolate images continue to portray having the
ability to satisfy sexual desires. Any taboo issues associated with the
consumption of chocolate are therefore lost in the representation of sexual
desire and enhanced by self-indulgent desires.
There is no doubt that chocolate is a strong advocate for
food porn which enhances passion and celebrates the joy of life.
“Twill make Old women Young and Fresh; Create New
Motions of the Flesh, and cause them to long for you know what, if they but
taste of chocolate.” James
Choco Lady